Adsum's staff is made up of more than 40 full-time, part-time and casual employees.

Our main contacts are found below:

Client Support Office, Adsum House  T (902) 429-4443

Sheri Lecker, Executive Director  T (902) 423-5049 option 6 email

Sarah Carrier, Executive Assistant  T (902) 423-5049 option 0 email

Doreen Logan, Finance Manager  T (902) 809-4837  email

Kassandra Myer, Shelter Director T 902-423-5049 ext 223 email 

Kathy McNab, Fund Development Officer  T (902) 266-2650 email

Cheryl MacIsaac, Program Coordinator   T (902) 876-5120 email

Adsum Household Coordinator, Household Coordinator  T (902) 423-4422 email

Trina James, Culture and Diversity Manager email

Julie Hasler, Property Manager T 902-943-5991 email

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